Families, please note: Tomorrow, Friday, April 19, is a scheduled half day for students. According to the most recent weather report, there is the potential for fog tomorrow morning. Should conditions in the early morning hours indicate the need for a delayed opening, the half day will be canceled and students will dismiss at their normal dismissal time. (This information was also sent via email and phone call.)
9 months ago, Caroline Schools
Calendar Reminder: Friday, April 19, half day for students #CarolineFamily
9 months ago, Caroline Schools
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Reminder! All yearbook orders are due April 12th. Yearbooks are $20. If you need another order form please contact your child's teacher or the main office.
9 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
It's time! Enrollment is now open for eligible PreK and Kindergarten students, and all other students NEW to the Caroline family. Please note: If your child is currently in a Caroline PreK4 class, there is no need to enroll again. You're good to go for kindergarten! If your child is currently in PreK-3, they need to be enrolled for PreK-4 at their school of residence and requalified. Families are encouraged to begin the process as soon as possible! All the info: tinyurl.com/yz638u87
9 months ago, Caroline Schools
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Happy Assistant Principal's Week, Mr. Curtis!
9 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
Audition flyers are available in the main office!
9 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
Talent Show Flyer
Calendar Reminder: Friday, April 5, half day of school for students #CarolineFamily
9 months ago, Caroline Schools
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A note from The FES Wellness Center
9 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
Update 11:00 am: Phone service at all schools has been restored. Thank you for your patience! DES, FES, PES, CRMS and CRHS Families: Please be advised we are experiencing phone service outage at the schools. Crews are on site and working to restore service. At this time, the school schedule is not impacted and the day is proceeding as planned. We will be updating this post as the situation changes. Thank you for your patience!
9 months ago, Caroline Schools
We hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break! We can't wait to see our Falcons tomorrow.
9 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
For the safety of our students at FES, all students who are dropped off by a car in the morning or picked up in the afternoon will need to use the car-rider line located in the FES parking lot. Please do not park across the street at Pep Up and let your child walk, as this is private property. You will also not be able to pull up to the walker door on Academy St. as this area is now designated for buses and emergency vehicles. We thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe.
10 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
Calendar Reminder: March 28 through April 1, all schools and offices closed for Spring Break #CarolineFamily
10 months ago, Caroline Schools
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Fun times at FES!
10 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
Today was our One School One Book final activity. Each night, students were given a trivia question to answer. When they turned in the answer they received a ticket to enter in a raffle for a Keena party with a friend. There was a winner picked from each grades ticket bag who had the opportunity to have pudding pie and make a camp t-shirt, just like Keena!
10 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
Calendar Reminder: Wednesday, March 27, no school for students #CarolineFamily
10 months ago, Caroline Schools
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Congratulations, Nurse Kali! We are so excited that you are a FiNaLiSt for Support Staff of the Year! The Falcons are lucky to have you and we are so proud to have you representing us. #WeAreFederalsburg
10 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
Dear Falcon Families, Federalsburg Elementary School is committed to promoting the safety and wellbeing of our students. It has recently come to my attention that the use of social media is a growing concern and the cause of conflicts within the school environment. Many of the issues that have been brought to our attention have involved the use of the social media platforms TikTok and Snapchat. TikTok is rated as a ‘Teen’ app and users must be 13 years or older to have an account. The description says the app may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language. SnapChat has the same age restriction of 13, which arises from a US law known as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). Families, we need your help and partnership to guide your kids around social media and talk with them about safe and healthy online behavior. If you choose to allow your child to have social media accounts, please monitor their activity. Although the school cannot monitor social media or what happens outside of school, if infractions arising from social media occur within the school day, we will take disciplinary action following our Code of Conduct. Common Sense Media has many resources to help guide family conversations about social media and many other topics related to being online. These important conversations, along with your modeling of appropriate online behavior, set the stage for students navigating the online world as they get older and supplement the learning that we do in school as well. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/ Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Brohawn
10 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
One School One Book Alert! Mrs. Shoemaker's class helped Keena come up with a great list of excuses to get out of school!
10 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
Who is twinning with the principal today? This time it's Na'Keya!
10 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School
Don't forget! Spring Pictures will be Monday for those who wish to purchase. Strawbridges will only be photographing students who are purchasing photos.
10 months ago, Federalsburg Elementary School